Cream of the Crop 1
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%T Applying New Scheduling Theory to Static Priority Pre-emptive Scheduling
%A N. Audsley
%A A. Burns
%A M. Richardson
%A K. Tindell
%A A. Wellings
%R RTRG/92/120
%J Report RTRG/92/120 Department of Computer Science, University of York
%D February 1992
%T Mode Changes in Priority Pre-emptively Scheduled Systems
%A K. W. Tindell
%A A. Burns
%A A. J. Wellings
%J Proceedings 13th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
%C Phoenix, Arizona, USA
%D 2-4 December 1992
%T Using Offset Information to Analyse Static Priority Pre-Emptively Scheduled Task Sets
%A K. Tindell
%I Dept of Computer Science, University of York
%R YCS 182
%D August 1992
%T Allocating Real-Time Tasks (An NP-Hard Problem made Easy)
%A K. Tindell
%A A. Burns
%A A.J. Wellings
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 4
%N 2
%D June 1992
%P 145-165
%T Optimal Priority Assignment and Feasibility of Static Priority Tasks With Arbitrary Start Times
%A N. C. Audsley
%I Dept. Computer Science, University of York
%R YCS 164
%D December 1991
%T Fixed Priority Scheduling of Periodic Task Sets With Arbitrary Deadlines
%A J. P. Lehoczky
%J Proceedings 11th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
%C Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA
%D 5-7 Decmeber 1990
%P 201-209
%K RTSS rate-monotonic periodic scheduling uniprocessor
%T STRESS: A Simulator For Hard Real-Time System
%A N. C. Audsley
%A A. Burns
%A M. F. Richardson
%A A. J. Wellings
%R RTRG/91/106
%I Real-Time Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of
%D October 1991
%K stress manual standard
%T Experiments with a program timing tool based on source-level timing schema
%X Analytic methods are employed at the source-language level, using formal
timing schema that include control costs, handle interferences such as
interrupts, and produce guaranteed best- and worst-case bounds. The timing tool
computes the deterministic execution times for programs that are written in a
subset of C and run on a bare machine. Two versions of the tool were written,
using two granularity extremes for the atomic elements of the timing schema.
All overview of the tool is given, timing schema and code prediction are
discussed, and machine analysis and timing tool design are examined.
Experimental and validation results are reported. It was found that all the
predicted times are consistent, and most are safe. Some predictions are fairly
tight, while others are a little loose. There are clear technical reasons that
explain the differences between measured and predicted times, and technical
solutions that should minimize these differences within the timing schema
framework are seen
%K program timing tool, source-level timing schema, formal timing schema, Sep91 execution times
%O Computer (USA)
%J Computer
%A C.Y. Park
%A A.C. Shaw
%V 24
%N 5
%P 48-57
%D May 1991
%T Building a Predictable Avionics Platform in Ada: A Case Study
%A C. D. Locke
%A D. R. Vogel
%A T. J. Mesler
%P 181-
%D December 1991
%I Proceedings of the 12th Real Time Systems Symposium
%T Finding Response Times in a Real-Time System
%A M. Joseph
%A P. Pandya
%J BCS Computer Journal
%D Vol. 29, No. 5, Oct 86
%P 390-395
%X Some alternative analysis of static priority scheduling, though it does
not explicitly mention the rate monotonic algorithm. Extends it to
allow for buffered inputs.
%T Parallel Simulated Annealing using Speculative Computation
%A E. E. Witte
%A R. D. Chamberlain
%A M. A. Franlin
%J IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
%V 2
%N 4
%D October 1991
%P 483-494
%T Grundlagen der Strassenverkehrsplanung in Stadt und Land
%A J. W. Korte
%D 1960
%I Wiesbaden Bauverlag GmbH
%T Resource Control For Hard Real-Time Systems: A Review
%A N. C. Audsley
%R YCS 159
%I Department of Coputer Science, University of York
%D August 1991
%T Programming highly parallel general-purpose applications
%A S.A. Dobson
%A A.J. Wellings
%B Proceedings of the BCS workshop on abstract machine models for highly parallel computers
%I University of Leeds
%P 40-52
%V 2
%D 24-26th March 1991
%T On The Feasibility of Response Time Predictions - An Experimental Evaluation
%A A. Vrchoticky
%A P. Puschner
%I PDCS Project (Esprit BRA Project 3092), Second Year Report
%V 2
%D May 1991
%K mars dma problem
%T Real-time System Design
%A S. Levi
%A A. Agrawala
%B McGraw Hill
%D 1990
%K formal book
%T Four-Slot Fully Asynchronous Communication Mechanism
%A H. Simpson
%J IEE Proceedings
%D Vol. 137, Pt. E., No. 1, Jan 1990
%P 17-30
%R Vol 3/Communication
%T Dynamic code replacement and Ada
%X There is a problem in trying to maintain highly reliable software which must
continue executing over a long period of time. This problem is characterized by
the international space station Freedom. The space station has a long planned
lifetime and requires that the computer system remain running for this period.
Updates to software normally require reloading. This paper reports on a study
into eliminating the need for reloading by providing mechanisms whereby Ada
programs can be changed in a consistent manner, permitting the execution of
the system to continue
%K highly reliable software, space station Freedom, Ada programs Jan91
%O Ada Lett. (USA)
%J Ada Letters
%A K. Tindell
%V 10
%N 7
%P 47-54
%D Sept.-Oct. 1990
%T Reconfigurable Flight Control Via Multiple Model Adaptive Control Methods
%A P. S. Maybeck
%A R. D. Stevens
%J IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
%D May 1991
%V 27
%N 3
%P 470-480
%T Effect of Errors on a Contention-Based TDMA Protocol
%A L-S. Liang
%A J-F. Chang
%J IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
%D May 1991
%V 27
%N 3
%P 492-506
%T Channel Characteristics in Local-Area Hard Real-Time Systems
%A K. Ramamritham
%J Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
%V 13
%N 1
%D 1987
%T Mode Change Protocols for Priority-Driven Premptive Scheduling
%A L. Sha
%A R. Rajkumar
%A J. Lehoczky
%A K. Ramamritham
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 3
%D 1989
%P 244-264
%T A Possible Architecture of a Distributed Hard Real-Time Executive for Space Applications
%A S. Sabina
%A F. Fedi
%J First International Symposium on Ground Data Systems for Spacecraft Control, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany
%D 26-29 June 1990
%T On a Real-Time Scheduling Problem
%A S. K. Dhall
%A C. L. Liu
%J Operations Research
%V 26
%N 1
%P 127-140
%D February 1978
%T Optimization by Simulated Annealing: An experimental Evaluation; Part I, Graph Partitioning
%A David S. Johnson
%A Cecilia R. Aragon
%A Lyle A. McGeoch
%A Catherine Schevon
%J Operations Research
%V 37
%N 6
%P 865-892
%D November-December 1989
%T Digital Control Using Microprocessors
%A Paul Katz
%I Prentice Hall International
%D 1981
%T Heuristic Technique for Processor and Link Assignment in Multicomputers
%A S. Wayne Bollinger
%A Scott F. Midkiff
%J IEEE Transactions on Computers
%V 40
%D March 1991
%P 325-333
%T Scheduling Hard Real-Time Systems: A Review
%A A. Burns
%J Software Engineering Journal
%V 6
%N 3
%P 116-128
%D 1991
%T A system for building scalable parallel applications
%A S.A. Dobson
%A A.J. Wellings
%B Proceedings of the IFIP working conference on programming environments for parallel computing
%I University of Edinburgh
%D 6-8th April 1992
%O To be published by Elsevier
%T A Shortest Tree Algorithm for Optimal Assignments Across Space and Time in a Distributed Processor System
%A S. H. Bokhari
%J IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
%V SE-7
%N 6
%P 583-589
%D November 1981
%T Heuristic Models of Task Assignment Scheduling in Distributed Systems
%A Kemal Efe
%J IEEE Computer
%V 15
%N 6
%D June 1982
%P 50-??
%T A Heuristic Model for Task Allocation in Distributed Computer Systems
%A Anil K. Sarje
%A G. Sagar
%J IEEE Proceedings E - Computers and Digital Techniques
%D To Appear
%T A Problem Independent Parallel Implementation of Simulated Annealing: Models and Experiments
%A Pierre Roussel-Ragot
%A Gerard Dreyfus
%D August 1990
%V 9
%N 8
%J IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design
%T Maintaining Global Time in Futurebus+
%A Richard A. Volz
%A Lui Sha
%A Dwight Wilcox
%J Real Time Systems
%D March 1991
%V 3
%N 1
%T Priority Inheritance and Message Passing Communication: A Formal Treatment
%A A. Burns
%A A. J. Wellings
%J Real Time Systems
%D March 1991
%V 3
%N 1
%T Global Cyclic Scheduling: A Method to Guarantee the Timing Behaviour of Distributed Real-Time Systems
%A Ralf Agne
%J Real Time Systems
%D March 1991
%V 3
%N 1
%T Stack-Based Scheduling of Realtime Processes
%A T. P. Baker
%J Real Time Systems
%D March 1991
%V 3
%N 1
%T Natural Solutions Give Their Best
%J New Scientist
%A N. Radcliffe
%A G. Wilson
%P 47-50
%D 14th April 1990
%T The challenge of building process-control software
%X Process control is explained, and it is shown why trying to build
process-control software using the same approaches developed and used for
data-processing and information-system software will lead to failure. Rather
than offering solutions to the problems inherent in developing process-control
software, the author identifies the aspects of the problem on which to focus
attention and the tasks that are ripe for solution. In particular, modeling and
analysis, human-computer interaction, and risk evaluation are discussed
%K real-time software, process-control software, modeling, analysis,
human-computer interaction, risk evaluation
%O IEEE Softw. (USA)
%J IEEE Software
%A N.G. Leveson
%V 7
%N 6
%P 55-62
%D Nov. 1990
%T An algorithm for generalized point location and its applications
%X Shows that the Collins classical quantifier elimination procedure contains
most of the ingredients for an efficient point location algorithm in
higher-dimensional space. This leads to a polynomial-size data structure that
allows one to locate, in logarithmic time, a point among a collection of real
algebraic varieties of constant maximum degree, assuming that the dimension of
the ambient space is fixed. This result has theoretical bearings on a number of
optimization problems posed in the literature. It also gives a method for
solving multidimensional searching problems in polynomial space and logarithmic
query time
%K algorithm, Collins classical quantifier elimination procedure, point
location algorithm, polynomial-size data structure, real algebraic varieties,
optimization problems, multidimensional searching problems, polynomial space,
logarithmic query time
%O J. Symb. Comput. (UK)
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%A Chazelle, B.
%A Sharir, M.
%V 10
%N 3-4
%P 281-309
%D Sept.-Oct. 1990
%T Real-time data acquisition at mission control
%X Perhaps one of the most powerful symbols of the United States' technological
prowess is the Mission Control Center (MCC) at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space
Center in Houston. The rooms at Mission Control have been witness to major
milestones in the history of American technology such as the first lunar
landing. This facility, however, has received only modest upgrades since the
Apollo program. Until recently it maintained a mainframe-based architecture
that displayed data and left the job of data analysis to flight controllers.
The application of the techniques shown has resulted in a new look and feel to
Mission Control evidenced by a new communication and tracking system display.
The authors look at some applications examples, hard and soft real-time
constraint, Unix data acquisition, data display and expert systems, support
techniques for real-time expert systems, major frame buffers for logging and
distribution, data quality of frames and individual parameters, calibration and
conversion and noise filtering
%K NASA, data acquisition, Mission Control Center, Space Center, data analysis,
communication, real-time constraint, Unix, data display, expert systems, frame
buffers, calibration, noise filtering
%O Commun. ACM (USA)
%J Communications of the ACM
%A Muratore, J.F.
%A Heindel, T.A.
%A Murphy, T.B.
%A Rasmussen, A.N.
%A McFarland, R.Z.
%V 33
%N 12
%P 18-31
%D Dec. 1990
%T An approach to scalable parallel programming
%A Simon A. Dobson
%I Department of computer science, University of York
%O D.Phil. thesis (in preparation)
%T Editorial: What is Predictability for Real-Time Systems
%A J.A. Stankovic
%A K. Ramamritham
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 4
%D Nov 1990
%P 247-254
%T Programmable Real-Time Scheduler Using a Neurocomputer
%A T. Ae
%A R. Aibara
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 4
%D April 1990
%P 351-364
%T Algorithms and Complexity Concerning the Preemptive Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Tasks on One Processor
%A S. Baruah
%A L. E. Rosier
%A R. R. Howell
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 4
%D Nov 1990
%P 301-324
%T Dynamic Priority Ceilings: A Concurrency Control Protocol for Real-Time Systems
%A M-I. Chen
%A K-J. Lin
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 4
%D Nov 1990
%P 325-346
%T Comparative Evaluation of High-Level Real-time Programming Languages
%A W. Halang
%A A. Stoyenko
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 4
%D Nov 1990
%P 365-382
%T Architectural Foundations for Real-Time Performance in Intelligent Agents
%A B. Hayes-Roth
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 1/2
%D May 1990
%P 99-126
%T Feasible Processor Allocation in a Hard-Real-Time Environment
%A R. K. J. Henn
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 1
%D June 1989
%P 77-95
%T An Application of Structural Modeling and Automated Reasoning to Real-Time Systems Design
%A S. Honiden
%A N. Uchihira
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 4
%D April 1990
%P 313-332
%T Addressing Real-Time Constraints in the Desing of Autonomous Agents
%A A.E. Howe
%A D.M. Hart
%A P.R. Cohen
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 1/2
%D May 1990
%P 81-97
%T Specifying Real-Time Properties with Metric Temporal Logic
%A R. Kaoymans
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 4
%D Nov 1990
%P 255-300
%T Depth-Limited Search for Real-Time Problem Solving
%A R. E. Korf
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 1/2
%D May 1990
%P 7-24
%T Forcasting Real-Time Behaviour During Software Design using a CASE
%A R.J. Lauber
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 1
%D June1989
%P 61-76
%T Predictable Synchronization Mechanisms fore Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems
%A L. D. Molessky
%A C. Shen
%A G. Zlokapa
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 3
%D Sept 1990
%P 163-180
%T Real-Time Control Software for Tranasaction Processing Based Colored Safe Petri Net Model
%A T. Muarata
%A N. Komoda
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 4
%D April 1990
%P 299-312
%A Analysis of Real-Time Properties and Rules for Setting Protocols Parameters of MAP Networks
%A H. Rzehak
%A A. E. Elnakhal
%A R. Jaeger
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 1
%N 3
%D 1990
%P 221-243
%T RTMMS - An OSI-Based Real-Time Messaging System
%A M. Rodd
%A I. Izikowitz
%A W. Zhao
%J Real-Time Systems
%V 2
%N 3
%D Sept 1990
%P 213-234
%T Architecture optimization of aerospace computing systems
%X One of the requirements of a fault-tolerant computer system for real-time
aerospace applications is the characteristic of graceful degradation. A shared
and replicated resources computing system represents such an architecture. A
combinatorial model is used for the evaluation of the instruction execution
rate of a degradable, replicated resources computing system such as a modular
multiprocessor system. Next, a method is presented to evaluate the
computational reliability of such a system utilizing a reliability graph model
and the instruction execution rate. Finally, this computational reliability
measure, which simultaneously describes both performance and reliability, is
applied as a constraint in an architecture optimization model for such
computing systems
%K real time systems, shared resources, architectural optimisation, aerospace 1984
computing systems, fault-tolerant computer, graceful degradation, replicated
resources, combinatorial model, instruction execution rate, modular
multiprocessor system, computational reliability, performance, architecture
%O IEEE Trans. Comput. (USA)
%J IEEE Transactions on Computers
%A Pedar, A.
%A Sarma, V.V.S.
%V vol.C-32, no.10
%P 911-22
%D Oct. 1983
%T Fundamental Design Problems of Distributed Systems for Hard Real Time Environments
%A A.K. Mok
%R PhD Thesis, Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT), MIT/LCS/TR-297.
%D 1983
%T Task Scheduling in Distributed Real-Time Systems
%K IO Bus
%A L. Sha
%A J. P. Lehoczky
%A R. Rajkumar
%J Proceedings of IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
%D 1987
%T Error Recovery Techniques for Fault Tolerant Distributed Computer Systems
%A J. A. McDermid
%J Ph.D Thesis
%D August 1981
%I University of Birmingham
%K Theses
%T Mechanisms for Reliable Distributed Real-Time Operating Systems: The Alpha Kernel
%A J.D. Northcutt
%I Academic Press
%D 1987
%K book
%T Accident review: 1970
%J Flight International
%P 105-106
%D January 21, 1971
%O V2
%K 1970 crash statistics accident record
%T Quantum Electrodynamical Spacial Translation in the Caring Society
%A K. Tindell
%D March 2057
%J Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Thought Experiments
%C Lunik Base, Mare Ibrium